Phillip Larrea

How to Be Houseless

Take care of your teeth- that’s the first thing to know.
Everything else is fungible.
Second, own a good pair of medium-sized scissors;
large enough for your head, small enough for your nose.
Third, a sixteen-ounce water bottle is best.
More is too heavy, less not enough for hot days.
Fourth- talent. A guitar or violin, if you play. If not, learn.
You have time, and nobody likes someone who just flat begs.
Personally, I prefer to set up near a Starbuck’s.
They have electricity, and bathroom doors that lock.
On a good day, I can wash up and recharge
my cell phone and laptop. Don’t be surprised.
I never said I don’t work for a living. I got family, too.
Which reminds- good to set up a Paypal account.
Oh… find yourself a really big towel. It can double as a pillow.
Now, some of my well-to-do friends have bicycles. Nice.
Libraries are not always in easy walking distance these days.
As for me, I’m rich. Got a bike, backpack, and a bedroll.
But, you know, I’ve worked hard, saved my money.
Even used to check into a hotel now and again.
For a treat. Can’t do that anymore. They don’t take cash.
No worries though. I’ll be down in sunny San Diego by November.
Back up here, cooling my jets in Half Moon Bay by mid-June-
God willing and the cops don’t lock me up, that is.
Look, I’m just saying- not a bad life, but let me tell you what-
you got to take care of your teeth- that’s the most important thing.


Phillip Larrea

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